icing on the cake! |
First thing this morning I nailed in the remaining rows of unnailed boards on the main roof and did a special cleaning project I might mention later...
Then, after watching my son play his last flag football game of the season, I came back to roofs that were gently warmed up by the sun. I quickly and effortlessly applied the first of 2+ white top coats to the loft roof, then started sealing all the joints and edges of the main roof with the caulk. I was meticulous this time around and took extra care to not overlook anything that could be a potential for a leak.
I pushed through the day to a playlist from my awesome friend Lola in California that she made for a group of us called "Earth Shakes".
seams patched and edges caulked |
First time using a circular saw. |
muther fucker this thing was kicking my ass! |
Her (as well as my other awesome gal-pals) support and presence during this project has really fueled me to push onward doing the best I can at every decision point. I'm so grateful for the friends who have been interested and inquisitive about my project and my life. There is so much value in having people share these experiences with you and help you to decipher the lessons learned.
I mean, we are all in this life together, and it is so great to find people who we truly value and have stuff in common with, even if we are not entirely the same in the way we react to things....the reciprocity means tons.
One of my most daunting tasks of this whole project was cutting the hole for the stove pipe. I had never used a circular saw and was warned the thing could kick back and "break your wrist" if you weren't careful! Geez, that's all I needed to knock my confidence down...especially knowing I had already overworked my carpal tunnel swollen hands!
I took my first few attempts timidly bracing myself for anything and trying hard to react slowly as to not be stupid. But the second the saw hit the wood it would kick back hard! DAMN...I wasn't sure how I was going to get this one done by myself.
Almost ready to call for help...I got smart and switched over to a corded drill and just got fucking BRAVE. I held my ground and dug in and after about 10 attempts ...
I fucking "broke on through to the other side!"
(thank you Jim Morrison!)
I conquered yet another fear....damn you fears!
Managing that obstacle with farm-girl grace, I happily put the stove pipe together, sealed it down with high heat silicon then screwed it into place....don't worry, I was actually smart enough to level it on all sides and stuff the edges to secure it into place making sure it was straight.
come to find out it couldn't be done with cordless drill!!! |
Take that ---HOLE! |
A ghost in the house |
wow...I did it! Installed the stove pipe by myself! |
Damn! Got grey paint on grandma's shirt!
(Yes, she used to wear this bad-boy in the 60's
and now I'm wearing it! Soooo cool! |
Got the drip edge and flashing done, now for main fabric |
the build up of this stuff on my gloves
has dried and it's like...
another rubber glove! freaky. |
x-hausted from busting my ass all day long I came up
with a sweet system to do the last two rows at the same time! |
With mosquitos biting me, urging me to finish
(or maybe wanting me to stay?) I finally ended around 9:30pm
zzzzzzzz |
The pictures kinda say it all....I'm just as tired now as I was executing all that stuff from today....I managed to accomplish my goal...only because I HAD A VISION!
Had I not believed in that vision I would have given up when voices echoed from below me saying it's getting late, you are losing sun....might as well stop.
I almost listened...I almost agreed, too late, I'm tired...no light...lots of mosquitos. But...nope, I needed to continue ...i HAD to continue. I fought myself a few minutes then just found myself getting more efficient and focused. That inner strength just kicked in right when I needed it most and got me through without even giving me a chance to back down....because of that vision I had and the STRONG DESIRE. (It all starts with vision and desire....and that is true for EVERYTHING in life!)
And now...body beat, sprit broken, i lowered myself off the roof in darkness, walked straight to the dock on the river...stripped down to the suit I wore underneath and didn't even hesistate to enter the cool night waters.
I hugged the ladder and felt the power of the cold water wash over me. I fucking did it! The whole roof was now officially waterproofed. I needed to give it a day to cure, which will be a much-needed break...and then I can add the subsequent layers.
Wow....sometimes, when these moments come along and we completely fucking amaze ourselves....we begin to realize the limits we place on ourselves and boundaries that can be pushed and know...we are capable of soooooo much more!
most tiring day in a while....so tired I ....yeah, I wanted to cry. (and maybe i did)
it was hot, my knees kept sticking to the paint, i finally but my pant legs back on,
but was almost too tired to even care. |
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